martes, 15 de enero de 2019


I'm Karla Paola and I love writing letters to the people I love.

I decided to learn to play some instruments because I love music.

I love to draw but I really hate to paint.

I didn't study for a while because I was working with my mother in our bakery.

I never learned to ride a bicycle because  I had to stay in bed  for health problems.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Karla I´m Omar, I hope you are in better health and I can say you that you should learnd to ride on bicycle because is very easy and fun!! xd

    I'm sure that the breads are very delisiuos I hope that one day I can try them. Xd

  2. I love music too, I play guitar a little bit and I want to learn to play the violin.
    What instruments do you practice?
    I think writing letters is a very nice detail.



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